A New Face Lift Again!!!!

After nearly 4 months I've finally came across a blogger template that I can tweak to my heart's content. It only took me 4 days to get it up and working with my side bar items and the CSS code looks right in both Internet Explorer and Fire Fox. WAHOO!!!!

Thank you Pannasmontata! Finally someone who actually knows what they're doing and has artistic style as well.

I've decided to leave all my book related things – goodreads reviews, widgets, etc. on this blog. Since I really don't talk about much besides my needlework and the SBQ meme. Maybe I'll just end up making LJ a mirror site for my blogger posts. That should make everyone happy.

Well I'm off to finish the books in my currently reading shelf. Why not stop on by and give the new coat of paint a look see..

Later y'all......
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