since I dropped a line or two, so here goes.
X-Stitching and Such: I decided to send Pam Kellogg $10.00 for the “Garden Jewels Mystery” stitch-along chart. I wasn’t going to at first, but then I found out that this was going to be her last mystery for her Bulletin Board. In fact, she’s now saying that the BB on ezboard is going to be deleted in October or possibly moved somewhere else. I think she should just leave it and let the gold community status lapse. It won’t affect those of us who’ve got ezsupporter memberships, and those who don’t can just put up with the pop-ups.
Saturday, June 25, 2005: Well now that I have all this spare time, I’m getting plenty done on Camelot Sampler. Just the twisted outer border on Guinevere’s side to finish and I’ll up date my WiPs page, that should be sometime today. Then it’s finally on to the jousting scene
Friday, July 08, 2005: Progress is going slowly on the jousting scene. I’ve managed to stitch just the outside borders. Hopefully this weekend I can sit down and get started on the tent background
Up to the present: Work on Camelot Sampler is going at a snail’s pace. All I’ve managed to do on the jousting scene in the last week is the shadow for the tent and the left horse. The entire scene is over-one so it’s going to be tedious at best. The good news is once that’s done all I have left is the twisted rope border along the sides and top. The beads I’m leaving until after I’ve washed and re-stretched it. I really need to push myself if I’m going to get it done by December.
Book Stuff: Bought Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on the 16th when it hit the shelves. I got it at Costco on CD for $38.99. I forced myself to split up the CD for three days of listening fun. Man, oh man, was that ever hard to do. I did NOT want to stop listening but plow right through the whole set in one day. I already knew who was going to die from all the hoopla over the british bookies report on the news. No matter, it was still fun listening to all that teenaged angst and paranoia. Rowling did manage to leave herself one heck of an opened ended out. She can either end the series with book seven or have Harry hunting down Lord Voldamort, Snape, Malfoy, and the rest of them for as many books as she likes.
Other news: Well it didn’t take long. My sister’s new boyfriend has got himself all moved in with his furniture and multiple computers. Guess he’s a bit of a computer geek. In any case, that puts me permanently out of a babysitting job as long as he’s there to do it for free.
My boyfriend decided to take me on a weekend vacation get-away starting tomorrow. Three whole days of no worries and no bitchy “get a job” parents. We’re going to Leavenworth WA. - Bavarian tourist trap of the central Washington (Ha Ha). Anyway, I’d better bring this Blog Blurb to an end, as I still have to pack my suitcase before I go to bed.