This Weeks SBQ Meme.....

Today's SBQ was suggested by Renée and is:

How do you secure your thread when you begin a new one?
Specifically, do you or have you ever used a waste knot?

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Yes, I’ve used a waste knot. But only for crewel type embroidery using wool fibers. When stitching using 1 strand of floss on 1 over 1 stitching I just catch the "tail" within a few stitches on the backside. The method I use most with 2 strands of solid colored floss is the loop method. I find it’s the best method for conserving floss and keeping the back of my projects tidy. Again, for variegated colors of 2 or more strands I catch the "tail" within a few stitches on the backside.

Stitching Blogger's Question
Category: 2 comments

Ooh I’m a Bad Girl……

Get out the wet noodle and slap me silly. I’ve gone and started another project. Even after I swore on my considerable stack of bobbin floss boxes that I wouldn’t start another one. I couldn’t help myself, the temptation was too great. First, it’s a free on-line multi part mystery chart. Second, it’s totally in French and I can’t read a single word. Hence the challenge – well some what of a challenge, Google does make a lame attempt at translating.

Anyway, it’s called Le Marquoir - Il était une fois ( Le Marquoir - Once Upon A Time... ) and is designed by Annick Abrial. It’s a 16 part mystery, the link to the chart page is in my side-bar Wips section if you want to join in.

And here is part 1 finished with the beginning of part 2 started.

Click here

Good news on the Job front !!!

Manufacturing Services called me today at 10AM. They want me to work Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Work will be on a week-to-week basis until they get up and moving again with work orders. They wanted me to come in for half-a-day today but I had to decline. Being up to 3AM stitching and waking up at 9:30AM with aching eyes and less then 6 hours sleep doesn’t work for being coordinated on the job.

Anyway, that’s all for today’s blog blurb.

This Weeks SBQ Meme.....

Today's SBQ was suggested by Renée and is:

Do you stitch Christmas ornaments? If so, how many do you stitch
each year and for whom? If not, why not?

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Does it count if you started a set but never finished them? Back in March 2004 Teresa Wentzler came out with “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. I enthusiastically started and managed to complete 5 of the 12. Mind you this was stitching over 1 on 28ct linen and I became – well I can’t say board, but the strain on my eyes was making me tired. So there it sits in my WiP pile [see side-bar link] grumbling that I’ve neglected it. {LOL}

Does a Crochet Tree Ball count? Back in 1986 I was into crocheting and tried my hand at an ornament. Just one mind you, just to prove to myself that I could actually do it.

Xmas Ornament 1986

Stitching Blogger's Question
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Last Update For Now….

I managed another 5% on this project, but I just can’t work on it anymore. Every time I look at it I get depressed knowing that my sister badmouthed me behind my back. So I’m putting it away for a month or two and working on one of my other WiPs.

Click here
Category: 4 comments

A Problem....Maybe?

Well after reading everyone's answer to the SBQ's floss set collecting; I'm wondering if I have a slight compulsion about collecting certain floss brands. {LOL} And is it a good or a bad thing? I seem to have inherited my mom's pack-rat gene. Only this one has it's priorities with floss, fabric, charts, kits, and certain fantasy/sci-fi books. {Grin}
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This Weeks SBQ Meme.....

Today's SBQ was suggested by Me! and is:

How many different brands of "complete" embroidery floss sets do you own? How do you keep track of it? (i.e., spread sheet program, index cards, palm pilot, etc.)

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This question popped into my head when I posted one of my “To Love and Cherish” updates. I just happened to get a little S.E.X. in the mail over the weekend, and it got me to wondering just how many others out there on the SBQ list had this need ( or maybe compulsion ? ) to collect complete sets of their favorite fibers.

Well here's my answer in a nice little table format:

Thread Table

I’ve come to rely heavily on Microsoft’s Excel spread sheet program, to keep all my lists and counts up to date. Since I also have an additional 2 file folder boxes of various skein counts of DMC cotton floss, pearl cotton, rayon, metallic, tatting & crochet thread. Along with a few spools of Krenik, a few extra skeins of Anchor and J. & P. Coats. That goes for my 2 boxes of fabric as well.

Stitching Blogger's Question

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Go figure….

Somehow it doesn’t surprise me that my own sister would badmouth me behind by back. I overheard her today proclaiming that I was useless and lazy. That if I really wanted a job I’d have one by now. She also seems to think that my back injury is all in my head and that going to a chiropractor is a waste of time and money. With dear old dad chiming in with agreement. For someone who use to puck in the toilet with accompanying migraine headaches I have one hell of an imagination.

How could she be so cruel after all that I’ve done for her. She has no idea how hard it can be to get a job when you don’t own a car. Hell she’s never had to worry about where her next paycheck came from, not with the cozy government job she’s got.

I’m having some serious doubts about making this wedding announcement stitchery for her with that back stabbing attitude. I’m beginning to think she doesn’t deserve all the hard work and time I’m putting in on this stitchery project.
Category: 2 comments

This Weeks SBQ Meme.....

Today's SBQ was suggested by Lee ( ) and is:

How did you decide on the title of your stitching blog? Was it random, or does it have a special meaning to you or about you?

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Well that’s easy enough to answer. It’s simply a variant of my website title “A Stitch In Thyme”. “One Stitch at a Thyme” simply conveys the path I take. Slow but steady.

The sentiment behind the title is - I’d like to think, at this moment in time. I will create something that will be enjoyed and will hopefully last for future generations to admire. As well as, letting others wonder about the person behind this created work of art.

Stitching Blogger's Question
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