This Weeks SBQ Meme.....

Today's SBQ was suggested by Carol and is:

Do you have any good internet links to tutorials for your favorite
finishing techniques that you would like to share?

The permalink to this post is:

Alas no, I don't have the time now-a-days to go looking. But I would be very interested in what others have posted in their blogs.

Stitching Blogger's Question
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Le Marquoir - Once upon a time… Part 2 Done!

Finished part two Friday night while watching the extended version of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” on TV. I only made a slight change in the chart. The DMC B5200 (bright white) seemed to disappear on the fiddler’s light fabric so I outlined it with one strand of DMC 169 (light pewter). [Click on the picture for a bigger, clearer image]

Click here

If anyone is interested in chatting, EZBoard's Aion NeedleCrafts has a Le Marquoir Stitchalong forum.

I’ll be working on “Pegasus and Butterflies” until part 3 shows up on Annick’s webpage on Saturday hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

Now that I’m working full time again, and standing on bare cement floors for 7 hours, I’m rather exhausted by the time I get home. I only have an hour free to stitch before it’s time for bed at 9pm. So progress on all my WiPs will be a bit on the slow side from now on.

That’s all for weeks blog blurb.