Book Review: Paranormal Romance

Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity, #4) Darkness Revealed by Alexandra Ivy

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I don’t know what happened to the authors muse, but this book just didn’t excite me the way the first 3 in the series did. I think she should have stopped with the last one, because the storyline for this book was just tolerable. I like a romance with liberal love scenes and the descriptive telling of how the vampires and their mates marry/bond with each other. This had little to none of that. Hopefully the next book in the series will redeem itself.

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Weigh In Update: I seem to be losing ground with the weight loss ever since I went back to work. I doesn’t seem to matter how little I eat or if I do a 1 mile workout on the treadmill during the weekdays. It's been another 2 months and now I'm 7 pounds fatter, it just keeps creeping back on and I don’t know what to do……

Book Review: Paranormal Romance

Primal Needs (Prime Series, Book 7) Primal Needs by Susan Sizemore

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The last of the Prime’s loose end love interests are tied up into a proverbial love knot. An unspoken war and conspiracy plots are bubbling to the surface remain as a secondary plot that needs to be answered. But will it? It’s been 2 years between Primal Desires and Primal Needs. Will this be the end of the series? Will the author leave this threat to the vampire clans, and werefolk unresolved? By the looks of her website it will. She has a Primes #8 “Dark Stranger” coming out Oct. 27, 2009 but its set in the distant future on a starship. And since I’m not into spaceship/sci-fi romance I’ll be checking it out from the library but I doubt I’ll be buying it.

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