February WIPocalypse

Before I get started with the Wipocalypse SAL check-in, I want to wish all my followers and lurkers who stop by my blog a very Happy Valentines Day!!!

February 14 - Topic: How many projects do you generally feel comfortable having in progress at a time?  Tell us about your one-at-a-time or rotation habits!
Well since I never really thought about it before, I'd say 3 sounds like a comfortable number to have in process.  Although I've never had fewer than 10 in my WiP list for as long as I can remember.  I have a bad habit of letting my start-ides gene grab a hold of me and I'll work on something for maybe 1-3 months and then I'll become bored with it.  The trouble with that is the other WiPs in my pile don't hold my interest either, so they sit unloved for months to years at a time.  I tend to get easily burnt-out when I'm stitching for myself, except when it comes to an obligation project for a family member.  I know that the project must get done by a certain date, and I push myself to get it done.  I think that's why I joined this stitch a-long, to keep me set to a definable end of the year goal.
As for my rotational habits, they've changed over the years since 1999 when I first connected with the on-line stitching communities.  Before 1999 all I had were local department stores or fabric stores where there wasn't much in the way of artists or kits that interested me.  Therefore I was a one project at a time stitcher.  Then I discovered the internet and on-line shopping, and my SADD affliction (Stitchers Attention deficit disorder) came into being.  At first I tried a form of timed rotation where you keep track of how many hours you stitched by coloring in a square on grid paper.  After so many hours you'd go on to the next project in the list; and so on, until you reached the end of the list and started over.  I had so many WiPs that to me it didn't seem like I was making any progress.  So next, I went to the once a month or by the page/section rotation.  Basically I work on a defined section of a chart, (like a page or part of a page) or I work for one month on a project stop wherever I am at the end of the month and then rotate to the next WiP on the list.
Alrighty, now for the progress reports...
Musical Bell Pull:
Finished the Banjo section which has put me at 50% done on this WiP. YEA!!!!!!  I tell ya after working non-stop on this section for the last 4 weeks I don't want to see it again for at least another 2-3 months. Sorry for the darkness of the snap.  I had to use my crappy digital camera outside.

Click for larger picture.
Camelot Sampler: 
Just started working on this yesterday. I'd forgotten just how wearisome it is working one over one on the jousting scene so no progress to show yet.  I wish they'd make smaller tapestry needles than 28. I've been reduced to using a #10 beading needle just so the fabric isn't distorted and the threads don't roll under the fabric weave.  Anyway, hopefully I'll have something to show for this Sunday's progress update.

12 Days of Christmas:
Next up in the rotation starting in April, sooner if I get tired of working on CS. 

Happy Stitching and thanks for stopping by.....


nikiad.blogspot.gr said...

Excellent work , Jan !!!!! I love the pattern !!!!!!

Mii Stitch said...

I thing the banjo section looks great! I didn't notice there were some metallic threads in there :) Well done, it looks great :)

D1-D2 said...

Congratulations on finishing the banjo! I love the detail of the strings, it looks great.

Anonymous said...

That's so pretty! I can imagine after all that outlining, I wouldn't want to work on it for a while either :)

Loretta said...

Very pretty!!!!

Rachel said...

Great progress on your bell pull - it looks really pretty!