Re-Vamped WiPs Pages....

I can't believe it's 2am! But that's how long it took me (all day Saturday) to re-vamp and re-upload my WiPs pages. Check 'em out [<-- See side bar ] The information is a lot easier to read now and the pictures are better organized.

I updated The Berlin Woolwork Sampler page and the Summer's End page with my latest pictures as well. So now that means I'm officially going to start working on Camelot Sampler, after I grab a few hours of sleep that is. ( LOL )

One last thing: On Monday the 6th I was told that after Friday the 10th my babysitting services will no longer be needed now that school is out for the summer. Yep, my sister has this bright idea that she can sign her kids up for all day summer fun camp through the local elementary school.

Well I guess that 3 months of free time for stitching won’t be a bad thing.
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