Finally after many weeks/months of buying on-line between two needlework shops, and two very special Floss Angels from the TWBB - Heather H., Abbie K., . Without whose help my collection would not have been completed.
I present to my fellow bloggers - My complete 142 color set of J & P Coats Cotton Embroidery Floss. One set of floss bobbins and one set of skeins.
I'm very glad I managed to acquire this brand of floss before it totally disappeared. I've read on several web-sites that as of Feb. 1, 2006 it has been discontinued.
Back in the late 60's when I first learned to embroider, around the age of 11, this was the only brand of floss available at the time. It's nice to know I'll be able to hang on to a piece of my nostalgic past.
Now that's a nice little collection you have there!! Good for you in the finding this treasure!
Thanks Lucy!!!!
Jan J.
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