A small update on "Birds"

I finally got around and finished up the last little bit of part 3 on "Birds".  I've been trying to pack up apartment stuff during the week and make a box run on Saturdays to the new place.  So I haven't been thinking about my needlework much this month.

Click for larger picture

I missed giving my apartment managers their 20 day notice by one day so I'm stuck here another month until May 31st.  The slipup kind of works out better for me in the end; as it's taking me longer than I thought to get things boxed up during the week.  I'm just so tired when I get home from work that I have no desire to pack stuff up, consequently it's taking longer.  Things are also going to get complicated as I have laser surgery on my right calf for varicose veins the first Friday in May and I'm suppose to stay off my leg for 3 days.  I'm worried that I won't be able to carry anything heavy for most of the month.

Hopefully I'll have something to blog before the end of next month. Be it a needlework project update or news on the move/leg condition.